Beauty Reborn by Elizabeth Lowham #BookReview #YoungAdult #Fantasy #Romance #Fairytale #BeautyReborn @NetGalley @ShadowMountn — Rain’n’books

Rainz ❤️rainnbooks❤️
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Beauty and Beast retelling tag and that alluring cover image were enough two reasons for me to request this book from Net Galley and truthfully was happy I did so.

Elizabeth Lowham’s imagination of the tale is sweet and romantic and at the same time kind of touching. With a different background provided for Beauty for walking into the forest and a different reason for the Beast to be turned into what he is, the author brings a fresh perspective to the this oft repeated tale. The slow burn romance between Beauty and beast was wonderful with tender hearted moments that left me sighing.

Beauty’s traumatic ordeal I wish had evoked more empathy in me, somehow it just seemed to be something that was just there and not really felt. The author’s writing was exceptional with amazing quote worthy lines.

“I lived in a different castle one,” I swallowed. “And I gave a man a room. But when I wouldn’t give him anything else, he took the castle by force. And then I had nothing left to give.”

Easy to read though I wished the pacing was kept to a standard, the beginning and climax felt kind of rushed while the central part of the story went at a moderate pace. Well, if you are fan of the Beauty and Beast retellings, then this one is surely up your alley.


Fantasy and reality collide in this retelling of Beauty and the Beast about a young woman’s heroic quest to save herself. Yes, I went to the woods to save my father. But I also went hoping I would be eaten by the Beast. Because I didn’t think anything else could save me.

Beauty’s life is the stuff of fairy tales. The youngest in her family, Beauty isn’t trying to catch Stephan’s eye. He is the lord baron’s heir, well above her family’s modest station, but when he kisses her hand at a party, Beauty is swept away by his charm, his wit, and his passionate declarations of love.

Hearts can be untamable creatures, especially when touched by the fires of first love, and Beauty doesn’t see the truth of Stephan’s intentions until it is too late. Until he stops asking for Beauty’s love-and simply takes it from her one night despite her refusal.

Beauty locks away the secret of what happened to her, and when her father emerges from the enchanted forest with a stolen rose in his hand and the tale of a vicious beast on his breath, Beauty seizes the chance to run as far from Stephan as possible.

She has some experience with beasts, after all. Certainly the one in the forest couldn’t be any worse than the one she’s already encountered.

Breaking the Beast’s curse might be the key to discovering her own path to healing-and finding the courage to allow herself to feel reborn.

Content warning: References sexual abuse

Many thanks to Net Galley, Shadow Mountain Publishing, and the author for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.

This review is published in my blog Rain’n’Books, ## Goodreads, ## Amazon India, ## Book Bub, ##, ## Facebook, ## Twitter.

Originally published at on February 15, 2023.



Rainz ❤️rainnbooks❤️

Books, books and more books and of course rain😊 An avid reader, book reviewer and blogger!